The Golden Secrets of Lettering

Letter Design from First Sketch to Final Artwork

The Golden Secrets of Lettering is a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated guide to hand lettering.

With easy-to-understand instructions, inspirational examples, and hundreds of hand sketches, Martina Flor shows readers how to transform their initial lettering concepts and hand-drawn sketches into a well-shaped, exquisite piece of digital letteringthat can be sold and published.

Contents List

1. Visual Storytelling: defining lettering and its difference from calligraphy and type design — 2. The Typographic Eye: the importance of observation — 3. Basics: the DNA of letters — 4. Tools and Applications: pens, brushes and other tools — 5. The Lettering Designer’s Playground: an overview of lettering styles — 6. Composition and Embellishments: structure, hierarchy and flourishes — 7. Sketching Letterforms: from rough sketch to refined drawing (and some helpful tips and tricks) — 8. From Analogue to Digital: vectorizing your lettering — 9. The Finishing Touch: adding colour and texture — 10. Work in Progress: becoming a professional designer

About the author

Martina Flor is a designer and illustrator specialised in lettering and type design. She founded her lettering studio in Berlin in 2010, creating custom typography for publishing houses, agencies and clients around the world, including Mercedes Benz, The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Lufthansa or Cosmopolitan. In addition, Martina teaches and lectures extensively to help other designers nurture their skills through workshops, classes and talks. She is also the author of the book El Gran Salto.

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